خانه / . /

Effect of pin geometry on surface appearance and tensile shear strength of friction stir polypropylene composite welds

Effect of pin geometry on surface appearance and tensile shear strength of friction stir polypropylene composite welds

H. Ahmadi*, N. B. M. Arab, F. A. Ghasemi, R. E. Farsani

International Congress on Advances in Welding Science and Technology for Construction, Energy and Transportation Systems (AWST – 2011), Antalya, Turkey, October 24-25, 2011.


Friction stir welding is a non-fusion welding process which is used for applications where the original material characteristics must remain unchanged as far as possible. This process offers a number of advantages over traditional fusion welding processes. The properties of friction stir welds depend on process parameters such as tool rotational and welding speeds, tool pin design and tilt angle. In this study, the effect of tool pin geometry on surface appearance and tensile shear strength of friction stir welds in polypropylene.


Friction stir welding; Glass fiber; Tensile shear strength; Pin geometry; Polypropylene composite.



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